With our extensive experience in guiding major transformations, we are here to help you overcome any weaknesses in your system. We work closely with you to plan and carry out transformation projects right from the start. Our focus is on thorough analysis and clear goals, guaranteeing lasting improvements in performance.
LOGIKA is your competent and experienced partner for navigating successful business transformations for technology-oriented, and large to mid-sized companies. Our teams of experienced managers master the complex challenges of transformation with efficiency and effectiveness. Combining consulting prowess and robust implementation strategies, we stay by your side until you achieve your goals. You can rely on us!
With a comprehensive series of interviews, we get to the bottom of the matter, gaining detailed insights into the existing problems and challenges.
This approach provides us with unique insights into the operational and organizational condition of the company, including important “soft factors” such as employee motivation and loyalty, leadership qualities of middle management, communication behavior, and corporate culture. These insights are crucial for developing the right solutions.
Embarking on a new path for a company always involves a thorough examination of its existing business strategy.
This critical review and potential adjustment of the strategic direction serve as vital prerequisites for achieving a successful and value-adding realignment.
To develop solutions, we employ systematic and proven methods, and continuously adapt to any evolving challenges facing our clients. This flexible approach allows us to customize an individual and precise set of measures, initiating a turnaround and enabling realignment of your company or business unit.
The result is an implementable action plan (master plan), consisting of individual projects with measurable objectives, timelines, and causal dependencies. Consistent alignment with and support from upper management are crucial prerequisites for achieving success.
It always makes sense to involve employees early-on in the preparation stage of the transformation and when defining the change objectives.
We embrace this strategy from the start to cultivate early personal ownership, beginning with a carefully selected core team and later extending that responsibility to project teams.
Those managers and employees tasked with shaping the future spearhead the implementation of the jointly defined objectives. LOGIKA closely supports and guides this process to ensure the conceptual implementation and achieve the set objectives and milestones.
Whether you achieve a turnaround with your business unit after a few months or achieve a sustainable structural change after 30 months, continuous optimization is always necessary even after a successful transformation!
This is the only way to fully exploit the potential of the transformation and the resulting additional opportunities. To this end, we involve the client’s management in the transformation project from the start, work closely with them during all project phases, and hand over all work steps in a systematic and structured manner at the end. This ensures that the attained outcomes are both sustainable and adaptable in the long run.
Our clients are comprised of leading industrial groups and medium-sized companies from diverse, generally technology-oriented industries.
Your initial points of contact for inquiries.